6 Reasons why you should eat Oatmeal for Breakfast:
It is a lot cheaper than other breakfast foods, such as cereal, granola bars, Eggo waffles, etc. You can save a lot more money by buying a huge bag of oatmeal because it will last you for weeks versus a box of cereal that may only last a week (if you love it as much as we did).
2. It fills you up!
A bowl of oatmeal is full of soluble fiber, about 4 grams per cup. Soluble fiber absorbs a lot of water, which slows down the digestive process making you feel full longer. Why is this good? Well, since it makes you feel full longer you will be less likely to over eat or inhale "junkie" food at lunchtime because you are not starving from breakfast.
I notice that when I eat cereal for breakfast I am usually hungry way before it is time for lunch causing me to eat more food to fulfill my hunger cravings . Now that I am eating oatmeal in the morning I am able to teach all my morning ESL classes (from 9am-2pm) without getting hungry. It is the perfect thing for me so I have enough energy to teach all morning long!
3. Fights bad "LDL" Cholesterol
Oatmeal contains heart-healthy compounds and fiber that could also result in lower cholesterol, specifically the bad "LDL" cholesterol. In fact, there are several studies that show that boosting your intake of soluble fiber by 5-10 grams each day could result in a 5% drop in bad cholesterol, which can lower your risk of heart attacks and stroke.
3. Helps you lose weight
Oatmeal's proclaimed weight lost benefits are not a hoax! First, as mentioned, the fiber in a bowl of oatmeal makes you feel fuller longer, thereby curbing calorie intake and weight gain. Secondly, oatmeal contains "slow releasing" carbohydrates, which may help you burn more fat if eaten a few hours before exercise.
Eating oatmeal combined with regular daily exercise has proven to be the perfect weight loss formula. Like I mentioned above, I started eating oatmeal for breakfast almost every morning for the past 3 weeks, along with that I have been on a regular exercise routine and I have notice such a difference in the way my body feels, and it has only been 3 weeks! If you are wanting to make healthier food choice I encourage you to start your day off with a bowl of oatmeal, it not only a great way to start you day off but it will help you eat the right foods during the rest of day and give you more energy to accomplish those things you need to!
4. Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
The soluble fiber in oats helps to control blood glucose levels, which may reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes. The American Diabetes Association even recommends people with diabetes fill up on oats.
5. It's quick!
Sure, grabbing a breakfast bar is the quickest route to fueling your body, but quick-cooking (instant) oatmeal can be made in less than 5 minutes; old-fashioned oats can be prepped on the stove top in 10-15 minutes. It's one of the quickest yet healthiest breakfasts you can eat! The benefits of Oatmeal definitely out weigh the quicker breakfast foods that you can grab on the go.
So, now the question is: Instant or Steel -Cut Oats? What is better?
While any type of oatmeal is a healthy choice, steel-cut oats contain more fiber than the instant varieties. When buying the instant oatmeal, try and avoid the flavored varieties, they are chock-full of sugar. Now, I know what you are thinking, plain oatmeal has no flavor and it is hard to get down. Well, instead of buying the flavored oatmeal, buy the plain oatmeal and add your own flavors...this is a much healthier options. Here are some healthy options for you to add to your oatmeal:
- Cinnamon or brown sugar
- Sliced apples, bananas, or blueberries
- Maple syrup or honey
- Toasted almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts
- Dried and unsweetened apricots, cherries, or cranberries
- Semi-sweet chocolate chips
- Coconut flakes
- Soy yogurt
- Applesauce
- Peanut butter
- Ground flaxseed

Have fun with your oatmeal...try a different flavor everyday to keep the variety! I challenge you to start eating oatmeal for breakfast today! You will notice a huge difference in how you feel!
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